Friday, 27 May 2011

Expanding circles: like the age of a tree.

Sometimes the longing for home is very overwhelming and even thought technically if you had to go back to your home it won't feel anything like your home anymore, but the memories seem to sooth.
It has been a year now since I have been back and there is a gnawing longing. When this happens I tend to go back to the music from just before I left.

It is wierd how you change and age and progress but a memory never gets any older:
Expanding circles: like the age of a tree.

The memory and feeling that a song distills within is only as old as your most alive moment when you heard it...
Here is the list ... I don't believe in pirated music but perhaps if you have a few of these in your collection you might listen to them again, alternatively if there are any you have never listened to you might give them a go? Who knows?

 And I thought a cover for this it might look something like this:

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