Friday, 27 May 2011

Expanding circles: like the age of a tree.

Sometimes the longing for home is very overwhelming and even thought technically if you had to go back to your home it won't feel anything like your home anymore, but the memories seem to sooth.
It has been a year now since I have been back and there is a gnawing longing. When this happens I tend to go back to the music from just before I left.

It is wierd how you change and age and progress but a memory never gets any older:
Expanding circles: like the age of a tree.

The memory and feeling that a song distills within is only as old as your most alive moment when you heard it...
Here is the list ... I don't believe in pirated music but perhaps if you have a few of these in your collection you might listen to them again, alternatively if there are any you have never listened to you might give them a go? Who knows?

 And I thought a cover for this it might look something like this:

Friday, 20 May 2011


I currently purchased the book:

And, this morning I found myself dropping food colouring from a random hight onto this book ... it was wierd to be 29 and acting like this ... especially since I am super serious!

Needless to say blue food colouring stains your nails and is nearly impossible to remove ... I am reminded of this as I type.
Well, I am looking forward to further juvenile behaviour over the weekend ... as should you. So let your hair down, have a good time and say to yourself ...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Simple unknown being like myself?

Like everyone, (or almost everyone ... there are always exceptions to any rule ...) I am fascinated with the life stories of interesting people and most importantly their earlier lives and the route they took in getting to where they are now.

The people who I read about are usually not television celebrities but rather, what I consider to be: celebrity 'great minds' (cerebral celebrities) ... perhaps there are other minds that are greater but less well known, or are there?
If a mind is so great and discovers something so intriguing is it possible for it to shy away from the eyes of the world?
In most instances, I am surprised at the sheer serendipity and of their lack of conquest at reaching thier current situation, it is as if they were made for this world, for this purpose before they were even born.

I often wonder how they feel about who they are and the public's fascination with them.
It makes me realise that they can never understand what it is like to be a  simple unknown being like myself and that they will never enjoy the sense of being lost within a world open to every opportunity rather than their gifted one.

My fascination then, I suppose, lies in my inquiry: is it better to be a cerebral celebrity, or just a being?

With that said, I have chosen one such cerebral celebrity ...
 Who is He?

He is someone who most definately was not born to shy away and has an amazing mind.
An eccentric to the n'th degree.
A wonder of our current time and a person definitely made for this word...

{click on the image to find the answer! If you don't already know.}

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Bordem drives curiosity.

I started reading 'Isaac Asimov's Guide to Science 1 The physical Sciences' Today:
This fascinated me, he writes:
"There comes a point where the capacity to receive, store, and interpret messages from the outside world may outrun sheer necessity. An organism may for a moment be sated with food, and there may, at the moment be no danger in sight. what does it do then?"
 He then goes on to say that a human being ... "has an intense and overwhelming curiosity." a desire to know.
Either on how to make things more useful, or how to make things look aesthetically more pleasing or a need to learn.

In other words bordem drives curiosity and from this ... invention, art or further knowledege acquisition.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Blank Canvas

Recently I have been testing a new for me 'Old Camera' and to my dismay I have developed my 4th roll of film and still nothing. My little heart sank when I removed, last night, yeat another blanks roll of film.

Well, needless to say ... my chemicals have been tested and they developed the same film from another camera ... sparing you the details, last night the 'ah ha' moment registered and I think I figured out where I was going wrong.

This has inspired my post for today by Peter Callesen ... because a blank film is like a blank canvas ... waiting to take life ...

Now to see if I can actually get the light to paint the canvas?

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Traversing time and space.

I was out-and-about catching sunsets on Monday (this one above) then off to the city yesterday to learn how to save the full panorama because I shot the sky rather than the ground. It is almost there.

Both were entirely different experiences but because they were different to my usual routine and took me out of my comfart zone ... these two outings really made me realise my existence again.

It is fascinating the places you can be in a week sometimes: from a beach to an inner city.

Multiple countries, perhaps? ... Those of you who travel!

Some are on earth today ... and in space tomorrow.  A very lucky few but they exist.

So take a moment and stop to remember where you have been this week and the great little or great places you have explored, unknowingly, along your way.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Grass: 'Simple pleasures! I think?

I visited 'Beth Chatto' gardens this weekend and I stood for a long time staring at this grass. It looked so soft and the texture captivated me.

Simple pleasueres! I think?

Friday, 6 May 2011


I have realised that I am not alone in my cage or my worldly paths and journeys and that there are many others around ready to help rescue me or keep me company on my lifes journey ...

Henry Fuseli
Othar Rescuing Siritha from a Giant 1781

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Free but caged:

I constantly feel a strong trapped caged feeling, the strange thing is that my cage has many doors and many keys. I know that I am free because I have all the right keys to these many doors (each one leading away with a different path from each of my cage's doors) but I just can't seem to find a key  to fit any door.  I wouldn't care which door I opened or which path I took. All I want is to be free.
Maybe the answer is to know which path I want to choose and look for the key for that door instead of randomly trying them ... the problem then arises: if I actually find the right key then I will loose the safety of my cage and I have to venture out on a new unknown path, open and exposed and unsure of where I will be going. Or, I might even be lead back to my cage having to find a key to yet another path. I seem to think that I am the only one who only sees the darkness beyond and I just can't seem to find the magic outside and if I do I only venture so far before returning to my cages safety, because that magic runs out.
In essence I am my own keeper.

Free but caged:

Impala in desert - Angola

all along the skeleton coast....

Deadvlei - Sossusvlei

B33/Flame in Ha (final)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Pascals triangle ... how to cheat maths ... with number patterns.
I love this (x + y)17 no longer a mission to solve ... love it!