Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Heading towards print and destroy

My 'filing dog' is out to bite me.
Today I realised that I know nothing about storage and back-up processes when it comes to the reality of it.
My external hard drive is currently deciding on working when and if it feels like it so I thought I would transfer my data onto DVD's. I thought this would be like writing to a CD and this is where my ignorance veered it's pretty little dark face.

Needless to say, after feeling like a right dork having bought DVD - RW, when I could have saved loads of cash on simple R's and found out there is a difference between + and - (not that data files makes too much difference in this case, thank goodness!). I also found out that when the disk drive says 'compact disc rewritable' but not DVD rewritable then this might not work and a whole new box is needed! Also, the software to talk to windows xp if you are still working in the 'dark ages'.

Luckily I have managed to do this but with over 500GB of info I realised that backing up onto DVD was something I should have done from the beginning. That I need to be stricter on file size and an easier simpler solution of purchasing a new hard drive has just broken my 'piggy bank'!

With all this said and a whole bunch of files that are repeats in different forms of ones of different forms and that only I understand the  silly naming system and have no real idea what my back-up plan is going to be, besides just dumping from one box onto another and making copies of important files onto DVD. I know tomorrow will look pretty much like today with a 'filing dog' for eternity.

Or perhaps, I should work harder at an excellent image. Be an artist and print it out onto a canvas just once and then destroy all of the related digital files thereafter! Embrace and rid my 'filing dog' fears?

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