Steven Pinker on Human Nature
I like this! Most of the ideas and images I take and knowledge I gain and sources I search, come from the same place. It is wonderful when a new person or image, site or idea sparks a new dimension to ones understanding.
Sometimes though we fight this change and use it as a negaive comparison and beat ourselves up wondering wonder why we didn't come up with that brilliant idea. Or, perhaps the newly presented concept is out of our current understanding maybe it even opens up a wealth of information so huge if we believed it, it would change our view to such and extent that so much of what we have already built upon would be demolished and we would have to start all over again.
All of this is scary and so we fight ourselves through fear. A 'comfort zone' is a cosier place to be. Change is inevitable but is it something we should fiear, fight or embrace?
Perhaps it depends on the type of change? If this change fuels an already burning fire we tend to embrace it and are excited and motivated. Alternatively, if the change leads us into the unknown or threatens to alter our current being then we fear and fight it.
New idease require change, in both aspects and whether we fear, fight or embrace change it is our only way to experience (i.e., to live!)