Thursday, 28 April 2011

Steven Pinker on Human Nature - Change

"I think you can’t just be in one place and hope that all ideas will come to you.  You have to occasionally venture out into places where they think very differently."
Steven Pinker on Human Nature

I like this! Most of the ideas and images I take and knowledge I gain and sources I search, come from the same place. It is wonderful when a new person or image, site or idea sparks a new dimension to ones understanding.

Sometimes though we fight this change and use it as a negaive comparison and beat ourselves up wondering wonder why we didn't come up with that brilliant idea.  Or, perhaps the newly presented concept is out of our current understanding maybe it even opens up a wealth of information so huge if we believed it, it would change our view to such and extent that so much of what we have already built upon would be demolished and we would have to start all over again.
All of this is scary and so we fight ourselves through fear. A 'comfort zone' is a cosier place to be. Change is inevitable but is it something we should fiear, fight or embrace?
 Perhaps it depends on the type of change? If this change fuels an already burning fire we tend to embrace it and are excited and motivated. Alternatively, if the change leads us into the unknown or threatens to alter our current being then we fear and fight it.

New idease require change, in both aspects and whether we fear, fight or embrace change it is our only way to experience (i.e., to live!)


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Bored and lusting after the sunshine outside.

This was just a little play because I had nothing better to do yesterday, while others are on holiday I get to lust after the sunshine cooped up in an office. You can't win them all I suppose.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Monday, 18 April 2011

Running and stairs

Well I did it, I navigated my way around that London marathon on to a successful 4h 50min time.
Luckily I didn't carry around a picture frame with me, although I might have been noticed then!
At the moment I am struggling to walk let alone run, or even attempt stairs ... so I thought the following image by Istvan Orosz is beautifully apt for my current navigational awkwardness:

This week I am inspired by stairs!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Fun Friday - with Friendly Sea Monsters

I love this image ... continuing on from the posts on 'Sea Monsters' this week ... because the sea monster is no longer scary but friendly.

I have chosen this image for 'Fun Friday' becuase of the obscurity of the situation and because I will be navigating my way round the 'London Marathon' course this Sunday.

I am sure I will meet a load of  other travellers and explorers navigating the daunting distance and fighting with their internal Monster. 

Only Monday will reveal whether I find dry land or not and defeat my fear monster.

For the time being navigate your way round this little beauty: Carta Marina:

If you click on the Map it zooms in and you can explore in a 'Where's Wally' fashion ... My favourite is the fox looking bear scaling up the tree ... (can you find him?).

Have a good weekend ... I might be out-of-breath by the end!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Sea Monsters: From our Minds Creation.

Well my plan was to show you our monster drawings yesterday and then my creation today.
But being the 'Space Cadet' that I am, I got carried away yesterday and landed up getting side tracked with the design and forgetting to post on the blog, all together.
And, today ... well I have left my storage device on my dressing table with all of the original images.

Luckily, I know what I am like so I had saved two of my creations ...

The fish eating multiple fish and Orcacorn were my creations and the Teradragoon, dropeye-feeder and many-eyed-hermit are Neil's minds minions (I hope he doesn't mind me naming them, though?).


Monday, 11 April 2011

Sea Monsters

I am working on a little project and some sea-monsters are involved. I have drawn some as has Neil, but it was fascinating to look at some of the old drawings and really appreciate them ... this was such a fun exercise and we have created an amalgamation of some fascinating beasts using our finds.

Here are some fierce beasts to chase your Monday ship along into Tuesday ...

And, a personal favourite ... a sad and hungry one:


Friday, 8 April 2011

Fun Friday - 'Cow in Disguise'

A little surrealism for 'Fun Friday', with a little help from the folks at DeviantArt.

I don't usually use other's images, but I thought I would follow a tutorial and see what happened.
[The cow, face and Tulips are mine. The desert, sky, footprints and texture, are curtesy of ...]

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The file general

Today this general means business: my files have been accounted for, restructured and sent to their correct quarter!

Any who are out-of-place need to fall in line, or else ... Face destruction!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Heading towards print and destroy

My 'filing dog' is out to bite me.
Today I realised that I know nothing about storage and back-up processes when it comes to the reality of it.
My external hard drive is currently deciding on working when and if it feels like it so I thought I would transfer my data onto DVD's. I thought this would be like writing to a CD and this is where my ignorance veered it's pretty little dark face.

Needless to say, after feeling like a right dork having bought DVD - RW, when I could have saved loads of cash on simple R's and found out there is a difference between + and - (not that data files makes too much difference in this case, thank goodness!). I also found out that when the disk drive says 'compact disc rewritable' but not DVD rewritable then this might not work and a whole new box is needed! Also, the software to talk to windows xp if you are still working in the 'dark ages'.

Luckily I have managed to do this but with over 500GB of info I realised that backing up onto DVD was something I should have done from the beginning. That I need to be stricter on file size and an easier simpler solution of purchasing a new hard drive has just broken my 'piggy bank'!

With all this said and a whole bunch of files that are repeats in different forms of ones of different forms and that only I understand the  silly naming system and have no real idea what my back-up plan is going to be, besides just dumping from one box onto another and making copies of important files onto DVD. I know tomorrow will look pretty much like today with a 'filing dog' for eternity.

Or perhaps, I should work harder at an excellent image. Be an artist and print it out onto a canvas just once and then destroy all of the related digital files thereafter! Embrace and rid my 'filing dog' fears?

Monday, 4 April 2011

Testing the waters

A bit of a random post. Today I had a quick play with a really badly scanned and self processed photograph and a sea monster I drew waiting for a program to load.

A little random processing and voila!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Fun Friday - 'Take 04'

The 'Check List'...

Have a great weekend.