Wow, so I have been a bit incognito over the past two years while focusing on completing my Masters. And, now that I am finished I find myself back where I started. Here my blog. I was hoping the Masters would help me find a job in science, which I have been searching for ever since I left Uni in 2000. So that was 14 years ago and here I am still trying to find one but still not having the right experience. I have taught Science, but this doesn't seem to be the right kind of experience. I then tried to enter the field from a different direction by learning to program and manipulate data, but it appears experience doing pretty much the same thing, but under a different umbrella, is not exactly the right kind of experience either.
I constantly stumble across sites and watch programs where they question why more woman don't go into science, but frankly I have found it extremely difficult. I mean what does one have to do get the so called experience? Other than by knowing someone or pure luck? (If anyone stumbles across this and is willing to be my mentor, I would welcome the advice with open arms).
Perhaps its not my time and I have to be patient, perhaps I make excuses that sabotage my chances, or perhaps I haven't got what it takes. These are all of the thoughts that constantly swirl in my mind. Almost everyone in my circle is craft and art orientated so I find myself devoid of real scientists on a daily basis. I know I am a dreamer and a creative and perhaps this is my problem too. Mmmm ...
I know one thing for sure I always have hope. This is the reason behind my favourite Richard Feynman quote. Perhaps I just haven't explored enough. Who knows ... only the future has the answers.