Thursday 27 October 2011

Collectors are Hoarders with vision...

I don't know why these words came to mind today, but they did and I like them.

On my recent travels to Cyprus I met this 'Polis' Man in Polis. His collection was amazing but very odd all at the same time.

Collectors are Hoarders with vision!

It reminds me, very much of this collection, the 'Polis'Man had some tortoise/ turtle shells and a number of sculls and fish skeletons in his collection too:

I collect almost everything from paper to frames, bits of ribbon, books, cameras, shoes, art equipment, glass all the way to a vast collecton of cutlery, crockery and tea cups ...What about and you? Any familiarities?

I don't suppose the collection of dirty washing next to the side of my bed really classes as a true collection but I like to think of it as a form of self expression (laziness? I hear you say :))

I like to lie to myself that hoarding is a creative past time.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Halloween: a little re-labeling

So I thought I would create a few labels for Halloween for one or so of the bottles I am guaranteed to use in the run up to 'Old Hallows Eve'.

So I thought I would share 3 of the ones I have made so far.

Virgil Finlay

Hannes Bok, pseudonym for Wayne Woodard

Hannes Bok, pseudonym for Wayne Woodard

Please note the original authors of the images are labelled below each image.
Each label is a re-hash I have created using photoshop.
These are for my personal use only and I have only made them as little something silly for halloween!
All writing is belonging to yours truely!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Cyprus, Turning 30 and House Sitting

Well the heading says it all:
I have been a bit lax with the blogging because I turned thirty in Cyprus and was away for 2 weeks. In addition since arriving back home Neil and I have been house sitting for the last two and half weeks.

So, Cyprus
This was the view from our bedroom. I have never seen a rainbow over the sea like this before, I am sure they are quite a common accurance in certain places but for me this was a little something special.

More piccies to follow soon...