Monday, 31 January 2011

Looking beyond

Yesterday, I finally bought some new running shoes. Two pairs in fact. This picture pretty much sums up my favourite view as I turn the corner round the prom. It is breath taking!

So I ran 8km, then ran some more and stopped at 20km only a few short of a half marathon and boy oh boy do I ache today! I still have a long way to go to reach the marathon distance.

Well, all of this running got me thinking about how far I am from home and then a marathon doesn't seem that far after all.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Relax and enjoy the weekend.

Enjoy sitting out in the sun!

Thursday, 27 January 2011


watchcat, originally uploaded by molamoni.
Oh, I want one!

I suppose I should say ... would like.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Repetition, Yesterday: Today: Tomorrow ...

Yesterday was about colour.
Today is about repetition.

I wish these were my photos, but alas they are not. I am working on a repetition theme though and these are spectacular examples.

Thanks to the photographers, their work is amazing.
(Oh, and their colour is spot-on too. This is what makes these: extra special, for me!)

Corridoio d'Incurvatura

another of this series


Tomorrow ... who knows?

In addition this post would not be complete without something from: Ben Heine: His Website

He is a favourite photographer of mine, and fabulous artist.

The Wind is Blowing

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Colour Swatches

I have been thinking a lot about colour.
So here are a few tear sheets of my favourite colour mixes:
Now, how to use these in my work, or even better a room make over?

Monday, 24 January 2011

Writing Box

Searching the house for a pen ... trying to remember where I have stashed all of the beautiful cards for just such an occassion ... trying to find a clear spot on the table ... wishing I had somewhere to stash all of the bills and reminders and things I need to post.

As much as I would like to think that this is a paperless society, it is not and I still move paper piles and build towers on the windowsill, but I have a beautiful solution, all I need now is some funding and I might have a new designer piece to add to my living room:

A writing Box .... I need one now!

One place to get them. 

Friday, 21 January 2011

Past, present, future

Dealing with the reality of all 3 at the same time means that sometimes we think to much and don't live enough.
We need to be in the now.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

It is the simple things!

Out of all the things I could chose to buy .. I buy oversized lego storage blocks.
And, I love them!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

What is life about?

For me: 

Life is about enjoying your passion over time and not shoving it down other people's throats, but rather allowing them, in if they want to, to share some time with you, in their own way, while you are enjoying it!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Get doing!

I think between these two massive modes of inspiration they say it all.
The barriers are those we create for ourselves, we just need to stop worrying and enjoying living and get doing.

Transform: by Zack Arias

Theo Jansen:

Monday, 17 January 2011

What makes an image memorable?

My facination lies in understanding what draws us to an image?
Is it the asthetic; a desire for the emotion captured; the shock; the need to know how it was created or what the artist was thinking, doing or experiencing; there are so many aspects that make an image what is in its final form.

Why do some remain fixed in our visual memory? Why do we have a desire to look again?

Perhaps the image(s) link to our life's experience?
Or, perhaps we shouldn't think to much and just enjoy the visual imigary.

Here is a little something that humoured me today:

14th Centuary Fresco painting

Friday, 14 January 2011

 But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
 Kahlil Gibran


The possibilities are infinate you might just, need to negate the stairs...

Thursday, 13 January 2011

I am obsessed with the array of images on Flickr.
Usually I find a site and love it, then forget about it and never return or look back. With Flickr, however, I start every working morning having a good squiz through.
This motivates me for the rest of the day and has lead me on an endless number of adventures following links or spurring on new ideas.

This very process cycled this morning, and as always I flicked through the Explore pages.
This was the image I was drawn to:

And this is where I wound up: i absolutely love this!
Artwork by: Idris Khan